Tuesday 2 November 2010

Production Companies

Setting up a production company takes serveral steps, and although it may have a few disadvantages, overall it is a good idea to have one.

One thing that you should take into mind is that the people that you take on for the company have good knowledge with the software that is available, and are reasonably up to date with new software. Being up to date with software and knowing how to use it means that competition between revialry companies and your own isn't as big an issue. It also means that you can produce work which can compete with other comapnies.

Another thing to take into mind is that of a name, it's a good idea to research names to make sure that the name you have chosen isn;t already taken and copyrighted by another company. As discussed in the Copyright section, if you are found to use a name that is already taken without permission, even by accident, you could face legal action if teh name is found to be copyrighted.

One of the disadvantages is the expense of setting up a company. If you are setting up a company, you will be entering a legal contract, this means that if any issues arises you may be responsible for any charges put against the comapny. For more information on this, the link below will take you to a good website which explains this in more detail.

It is helpful to have your own production company as it means that if you enter into festivals and your logo is shown, it helps people indentify your work better. It also looks more proffesional to have a company logo and  name.

For my own production comapny, I decided to use the name 'Neo-Angel Productions'. I decided upon the name as 'Neo' means new and angels have links with being spiritual and free, so together the name means 'New-freedom'. When choosing the font and colours I wanted to use in the logo I wanted colours that looked fresh but also make a bold statement, and also so it is easily recognisable.
This is the logo I created. The colours are choosen because of what they mean. The colour purple denotes mystery and also royalty and being upperclass. I then chose they grey as it looks very industrial and modern, as cities and modern life is a 'concrete jungle' they grey gives it a contempory feel. The font I used was 'Pump Demi Bold' for the 'N' and the 'A', then for the other letters I simple used 'Arial Narrow', as the two fonts complimented each other nicely. The chibi wing is there for two reasons. Teh first being that it goes with the angel theme of the name, and secondly it is a simple design. This logo can go on all the production paperwork and anything else that i produce.

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