Tuesday 2 November 2010


BBFC: (http://www.bbfc.co.uk/)
The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) is an organisation that deals with the classification of films in United Kingdom. The BBFC are in charge of deciding the certificate of moving images, more so for films and dvds. The BBFC, in my opinion, will be helpful as they will determine what certificate that any film that I may produce will be. However this may also effect who will be able to see it, if I made a film that was aimed at 12a and was certified as 15, then it may not have the same effect on people of the different target audience.

 PACT: (https://www.pact.co.uk/Homepage/)
PACT is an association in the United Kingdom who both promote and Represent independent films and television companies. They will be helpful in the future as they will be able to represent my if I choose to work for a company.

BECTU: (http://www.bectu.org.uk/home)
BECTU is an independent trade union for those who work in broadcasting, film, theatre ect. The union represents freelance workers who are mainly based within the United Kingdom. BECTU help to negotiate pay, working conditions and also sorts out contacts with employers. Their aim is to make sure that there is equality among employees.

EQUITY: (http://www.equity.org.uk/)
EQUITY is another trade union who represent people who are proffessional performers or are within the creative and cultural industries. EQUITY are not part of the goverment, but work along side other trade unions to ensure that people within the creative community are given at least the minimum wage. This may be a problem if I decide to use actors/actresses who are a part of this union, as it means that I will have to pay the actors at least minimum wage.

The Arts Council: (http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/)
The Arts Council is a british organisation who are trying to encourage people to take more interest in art, whether it be drawing or media. The Arts Council is lottery funded and is currently investing in over 880 organisations up and down the United Kingdom.The Arts Council will be helpful in future at I could get funding for projects from them.

Shooting People: (https://shootingpeople.org/account/auth.php)
Shooting people was set up over a decade ago to connect independent film-makers together, which would allow them to share information and tips on how to make independent films. They help give support for the film-makers and encourage people to make films.

Vision and Media: (http://www.visionandmedia.co.uk/)
Vision and Media exists "to help grow the digital and creative industry in England's Northwest." They help people in the Northwest to expand the creative and digital economy within the northwest region. The way that they plan to do this is by investing in projects across the region and help companies expand upon their skills.

Signal Films: (http://www.signalfilms.co.uk/aboutus.asp)
Signal Films are a cumbria based company who produce films for television and cinema, but as well as this they also provide training in creative and digital media. Signal films may be useful to me in the future as they are a local company who will be able to help me train in new software.

Wrightwalker Productions: (http://www.wrightwalker.co.uk/aboutus.html)
Wrightwalker Productions was created by Jonathan Wright and Lyndsey Walker and specialises in digital film-making. They provide various services for different aspects of film-making. You can find crews, cameras, greenscreens ect from their website. This may be useful when it comes to finding crew members to help when making a film.

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