Tuesday 2 November 2010

Lighting Equipment

Lighting a scene correctly is important when shooting a film. If the lighting is off then it can ruin the effect the film is trying to have on an audience. If the scene is too bright in a horror film is won't seem scary for example. Some lighting equipement includes Redhead's and Blonde's. Both of these are open faced lights.

Three point lighting is the basis off how to light a scene properly. The main lights are the Key Light, Fill Light and Back Light. The Key light is the main light source in the scene, it will be the strongest influence. It is usually placed a little of to the side of the object, so one side is lit and a little bit of shadow is present. The Fill light is placed on the opposite side of the Key light and is used as a secondary light. The Fill light is often a lot softer than the Key Light. The back light is placed to the rear of the object, such as the name suggests. The role of this light is to define highlights and also to show some subtle definition of the object.

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