Tuesday 2 November 2010


Entering film festivals is always a good idea when you are wanted to get noticed. Although enetering a festival can be costly, and you may not always be gauranteed to win something, it can help you to meet people who have similar interests to yourself and allows you to meet people are share information.

There are plenty of festivals to enter, locally, nationally and internationally. Some examples of film festivals are below;

Raindance: (http://www.raindance.co.uk/site/index.php)
Raindance is a film festival that was founded in 1992. It provides training and support for film makers, and these training programms have been highly successful. Raindance had produced some feature films that have won awards, and example is The Living Dead which won 11 awards. Raindance is of benefit to me as it is a well known film festival and has a good reputation.

The End of The Pier: (http://www.eotpfilmfestival.co.uk/)
The End of The Pier film festival is a festival that is mainly for low-budget, independent film-makers. It is for both short and feature films, which is good as you can get a mix of different styles. This is a good festival for me as I don;t have a lot of money to spend on making a film, so with a competition that is for people in similar situtations to myself, it means that I have more chance of winning.

The Keswick Film Festival: (http://www.keswickfilmclub.org/kff/)
The Keswick film festival is the best option for me to enter, mainly because it is a local festival. With it being local, it means that local independent film-makers will attend and so it'll be a good chance to meet people wholive locally and share ideas.

Withoutabox: (https://www.withoutabox.com/)
Withouabox is a film festival that is in over 200 countries worldwide and it allows film-makers to distribute their films themselves. It also allows film-makers to view other peoples work, and for film-makers to eneter their work into other festivals and competitions.

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