Monday 1 November 2010

Copyright and Using sound + Visuals

Copyright is a legal agreement which gives the rights of any piece of original work to the author. Copyright is applied whenever an individual or a company creates a piece of original work, this orginal work has to show a 'degree of labour, skill or judgement' (

Copyright applies to any audio or visual that you did not produce yourself. This means that of you do want to use an audio clip or visual you must ask permission before you use them. Fines can be put into place if a clip is used without permission, and these fines can be settled in a court of law. Although the copright law changes slightly depending on which country you are in, the overall guidlines are the same.

 If you wanted to use footage that wasn;t your own you could use copyright free footage, or stock footage. Stock footage is footage that is not a part of any particular production, and can be outtakes or libary footage. An example of a film that used stock footage is Forrest Gump, using stock footage it was possible to make the main character meet the historical characters he did such as John F. Kennedy.

As for Music and Sound effect, there are many websites that supply royalty free music and sound effects. Royalty free means that it has no copyright as the original owner has given permission for the music to be used, so you download the original work and use it straight away. this is a website where you can find Royalty free music.

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