Thursday 7 October 2010

Mobile Phone Project

One of our first project was to create a 30-90 second video using the camera's on our mobile phones. I had lots of different ideas, but I settled with a tutorial. 

I did the tutorial using MS paint, and edited it using Corel Video Pro12. The tutorial was to show people how they could easily colour in an anime styled eye on MS Paint. I chose a picture that I had already drawn and just used the eye from that. I then did a very simple design in the eye which only took about five minutes to draw. 

After I had the footage I transferred it on my computer and edited it using Corel Draw Pro. As teh video was longer than the time limit I cut some longer pauses out and any mistakes that I had made when drawing the eye. I also sped the footage up. Along with this I added music, the music came free with the software, and also some text. I decided to use text instead of a voice over as it was easier than recording a separate voice over. 

I uploaded the video to you tube: